Volunteering Is Great For A Troubled Child!!

Has your child been struggling with authority and lashing out at any peer that tells him/her to simply pick up their mess? I can tell you from experience we are! We have spent so many months and have taken so many trips back and forth to see Counselors and Psychiatrists but it seems to be getting worse.

Kevin and Son - Uplifting
Have you as a parent or guardian ever been so far at your wits end trying to find something for your child to do that will build their self esteem? I mean we want to uplift without tearing their spirits down further than they already are at this point correct? So we are going to (as parents) try a little different angle and start VOLUNTEERING with helping other kids with our child right beside us!! VOLUNTEERING will hopefully accomplish a few things for our child and the children we help. I hope if you find yourself in our shoes then see some of our ideas below of what we hope donating our time will accomplish.

Building Self-Esteem:
Volunteering is a good way to instill a sense of accomplishment in a child. If they act out and get frustrated easily then just maybe they are being to hard on themselves. If the child sees that they are influencing others in positive way then they to will build confidence and self worth.
Kevin and Son - Positive
Positive Role Modeling:
When volunteering your child will learn valuable life skills and positive behaviors from other mentors and fellow volunteers!
Kevin and Son - Positive
Stress reduction:
Volunteering can also reduce stress in virtually everyone who participates. It is like having a personal outlet for your build up of stress and anxiety. With that being said it will be so much better for your own emotional well-being!
Kevin and Son - Positive Minds

In conclusion I hope this reaches you as a parent or guardian and it serves you well. We will be putting some of our ideas to the test and will be adding to this list as we go. We will expect to have ups and downs along the way so we will be keeping our audience in the loop of our findings as well. Please feel free to add any feedback or your own findings

Kevin and Son-Family Ideas

2 thoughts on “Volunteering Is Great For A Troubled Child!!”

    • Yes this is a true statement and I agree. We as parents also need to handle situations a little different in some cases. I believe sometimes it takes a whole team to make the changes. Thank you for your insight to the matter.


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