Bettering Mental Health Through Exercise!

We are learning firsthand that mental health can come with all different warning signs and/or symptoms. You hear in the media and even social media what to look for and ways to detect it in adolescence or adults. They don’t warn you or even prepare you for the young ones and the early detection signs … Read more

Keeping Spirits Up!!!

Strong Minds Build Assurance And Resilience! So everyone probably heard me mention my son “LANDON” over and over! He is my rock in all this and the biggest reason for the start of Kevin and Son and ( ). As the new school year started for him last month I can only tell him … Read more

Research Time!

We have been having a blast after joining Wealthy Affiliate sharing some of our wonderful adventures with everyone out there! This weekend our family took a break and went out to some of our local stores and found some awesome inexpensive games and projects. Yes it was initially to do grocery shopping but we didn’t let … Read more