We have been having a blast after joining Wealthy Affiliate sharing some of our wonderful adventures with everyone out there! This weekend our family took a break and went out to some of our local stores and found some awesome inexpensive games and projects. Yes it was initially to do grocery shopping but we didn’t let the opportunity pass us by to do a little outdooractivitieskids.com research.

There are some amazing products out there for learning and items to help improve hand-eye coordination. Of course there are the normal activities to just have a blast and pass the time. The good thing is no matter what the item or activity we found they all would involve at least 30 minutes of movement. You may say “well its only 30 minutes” but it is a start and 30 minutes of running, walking, hopping, etc. is better than none at all! Well here at outdooractivitieskids.com we are going to get busy researching and getting actual Customer Reviews to see what Kevin and Son want to try next so we can share our family’s experience with you and your family. Let’s all be more active and healthy together, even if it is only for 30 minutes at a time!
Thank you so much for this post! I know I have two little kids who are so very active all the time. In fact, something that can last at least thirty minutes is a good thing for a parent like me who can barely find things for them to do for fifteen minutes hahah. Kids need to have activities to do to stay active and healthy and happy. So seeing this is quite a relief honestly.
It is very important and unfortunately, it’s something that gets overlooked these days due to how busy and in a hurry we all became. On a personal note, it was a relief to see my son make new friend and come out of his shell a little more. We as parents get so wrapped up in affording things and providing for the family some parents even hold down two jobs. Doing this with my son Landon actually brought us closer together also. It is so apparent to me now how much we as adults just conform and be molded by society. These younger ones think so freely and actually have good ideas especially with some adult guidance. I can say we are happy to have started this journey together and one day I hope others feel the same. Getting better day by day and growing together is what we need to see more of not just physically but mentally also. Kids are our future no matter what so let’s get them on the right path for a long healthy life full of knowledge.
Kevin and Son
This web page has excellent suggestions for families who want to stay happy at home. I look forward to what’s to come! Keep up the great work! Keeping kids active is hard; I remember doing it myself as a kid. Most parents are time constraint.
Please let me know of future activities you have in mind for a family. Especially with older teenagers 🙂
Thank you sir and I definitely will let you know what we come up with.
Kevin and Son