Parenting Of A Defiant Child – Can Be Hard!!

Parenting nowadays is hard enough without having to deal and cope with a defiant child that just won’t listen!!! Let’s face it us as parents and guardians want nothing more that protect our loved ones from the world we are raising them nowadays.

Kevin and Son - Protecting Children

Everywhere we turn there is a television with world news on or Social Media teaching them what we hope their little brains can decipher the difference from the good and bad but it is not always the case unfortunately. We don’t realize the more our little ones watch these misinformative items and spend face to face with electronics their little brains become more underdeveloped!
This is the number one leading causes for the defiant child because it messes with their nerve receptors in the brain from their frontal lobe of the brain (like downed power lines).

Ideas To Help Parents With Defiant Children!

Set Clear and Consistent Boundaries:

Make sure your child/children clearly understand your expectations and rules. It is equally important you consistently enforce them at all times and they understand the consequences if the rules are broken. As a parent you can NOT slip and let them get away without the appropriate discipline not even once.

Parents Must Use Positive Reinforcement:

Praise and reward your child/children for their positive behavior and following the rules set forth for them. This will let the defiant child know if he/she follows the rules and cooperate there will be benefits for them to follow.

Have An Open Communication Line For The Child:

As a parent with a defiant child it is extremely hard for them to communicate and it is not always that they don’t know how to communicate it maybe they are scared to get in trouble. A parent must be willing to listen to their child and assure them there will be NO punishment for their thoughts and fears. Be prepared to open a line of communication without passing judgment because most of the time the child is feeling powerless or controlled by a parent or guardian.

Sometime we tend to “OVER PARENT” and this becomes a power struggle with the child when we should try to let them make their own decisions or choose their own options with us teaching them what is acceptable between their chosen options. This will also help the child/children learn useful problem solving skills and how to handle conflicts when they should arise.

Kevin and Son - Happy Bonding

In Conclusion:

We hope that this helps and gives all the parents and guardians struggling just as we are with our own son a sense of hope! This is not meant to be taken lightly because it will be a long road to helping your loved one/ones recover from any defiant disorder that they are exhibiting.This is bar far the biggest “TEAM EFFORT” I have ever had experienced but I am willing to do it for my child as I know you all are too.

If any other parent or guardian out there is experiencing the same struggles that we are in our own home and have any suggestions of their own please feel free to share! All us parents need to come together and help preserve the future in our little ones and make sure they have every opportunity for a successful life for years to come!

Again please drop a comment below or feel free to shoot an email to us and we will be happy to get back to you as soon as we can. Have a wonderful and blessed journey!

Kevin and Son-Family Ideas

2 thoughts on “Parenting Of A Defiant Child – Can Be Hard!!”

  1. Fine article.  Having raised a very defiant child I would add one point.  Both parents need a very large portion of patience.  I had three children.  Two older boys and nine years later a daughter.  With our oldest son we learned by accident that sugar in his diet made a huge amount of difference.  Our second son (now in early 60s) was never a problem and became a very successful attorney.  Our daughter is also very successful in her field and has traveled the world.  Children can be so different in make-up!

    • That is a true statement we are suppose to watch sugar intake and carbohydrates as well! We were also told having a defiant child takes a team effort and change of the family and peers. Once a child is defiant you can not simply discipline them because they can’t understand why they are the only ones that need to change. 
      We greatly appreciate your advice and suggestions and it will probably be included along with all the other remedies in my next article after we learn more ourselves. Landon and I thank you again.


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