Keeping Spirits Up!!!


Strong Minds Build Assurance And Resilience!

So everyone probably heard me mention my son “LANDON” over and over! He is my rock in all this and the biggest reason for the start of Kevin and Son and ( ). As the new school year started for him last month I can only tell him about our continued journey and the progress that gets made while he isn’t here beside me. As I am still excited and going strong building “our” brand he only can hear about it when he gets home. Landon loves hearing about his website and what it will bring in the future for not only us but many others. He tells me all about his day and I see the poor kids excitement fading away! I try to build him back up by pointing out all the obviously good points in his day so he won’t stress on the bad ones.

Tomorrow Is A New Day!

We as adults always say what a horrible year can’t wait for the new one so we can start over. I am now realizing now that it sounds good to us as adults but quite the OPPOSITE for our young ones! Landon is now in middle school so he sees it as a whole new building, and what about the friends he grew so close to in elementary? He now has six different classes, a locker and a wake up time that is one and a half hours sooner and all around new environment! Ow yea and only a month into school with so much homework that unfortunately his mom and I know nothing about because it is so different from what we are use too. So as your life may be getting better remember it isn’t always the same for our children because they do carry around more stress than we may imagine. I believe kids are very resilient to harmful things so instead of making him immediately do chores or homework (because he just did that all day) to go outside and do something simple just to unwind from the stress surrounding him.

Take a Breath!

I found we all just need some alone time or a simple listening ear. We all wished to be older when we were younger and nowJust most would love to turn back the hands of time. I think we should show the little ones it is never too late to just slow down take a deep breath because life will be easier if you can accomplish that method. I would love to know Landon will grow up to be more resilient to the everyday stress from the hustle and bustle around him to enjoy life! Lets all just take a deep breath go outside smell the air and get some sun and enjoy the day we just had together!

Kevin and Son-Family Ideas

2 thoughts on “Keeping Spirits Up!!!”

  1. I really needed theuplifting today because my sister-in-law fighting for her life on life support. I tried to keep my spirits up each time the doctor came out to lobby to give is updated news. It is important to me to keep my spirits up and tomorrow anew day and hoping spirits will still be up when go back to hospital to sit with her and hope she continues fighting. Thanks for this post

    • Jannette I can’t imagine your exact situation but if you don’t mind, we will keep her in our prayers. Honestly being in a hospital will put anyone down and it in itself is stressful. I had cancer 3 times starting at the age of 4. Almost my whole child and teen years in Children’s Hospital. Then in 2019 I had Congestive Heart Failure due to all the past chemotherapy. At that point I was already married to my beautiful wife and 1 amazing son (who is on this venture with me). I felt so run down and tired but tried smiling for them to keep spirits up and now 3 years later we are in a new house and still going strong. So, trust me good things will come your way and your sister-in-law. You have a wonderful day and take a deep breath and 1 for her she will feel it!

      Kevin and Son


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