How To Get Over Depression? Depression is Real!

Kevin and Son - OutdooractiviteskidsI have known people that has high levels of anxiety and depression and sometimes I think I should include myself in this category. I just never thought I would be learning how to help with depression until I see the signs in my own son, and I want to help him get over his depression! 

School is Hard!

Every single day is a struggle to get him up and ready for the new school-day. He absolutely hates going to school and no matter how much we tell him he has to and we try to make it as positive of a morning as we can. We try to assure him it is going go be a good day even though we have no idea what is in store for the day ahead. We all know as parents that is the best thing to do is instill all the positives within our children especially as parents or guardians. We does not want them to endure any more physical or mental pain than they are already exposed to in this world. I hate that he comes home and needs help with his homework and his mom and I have no clue how to help with the way it is taught these days.

Always Tired and Low Enthusiasm!

We noticed he is always tired and not wanting to play as much with friends or family. Also, the temper he has now is out of this world. He is quick to anger and so hard on himself if he doesn’t understand something. He absolutely hates even going in public places because he does not want to be around groups of people. He does not share his thoughts or worries with us like he did before.

Talking to Someone!

This was the hard part because society wants to lead you to believe if you ask for help then it is a sign of weakness. I can assure you it is NOT because after just one session I found out stuff that bothered him I had never even guessed would have. We now will take about and hour off when he gets home from school just to play a game or walk around the block. It seems to calm him down and relax his brain so he can decompress. It makes us both happy because now we can say that our business of (Outdoor Activities) is helping us too!

Remember To Slow Down Sometimes!

I hope you enjoyed our little insight and some of our personal struggles and dealing with someone struggles from anxiety or depression and maybe even both! It is easy to say “he or she is too young to be depressed” or “they don’t know what depression is”. Here at Kevin and Son we started (Outdoor Activities) and now we are glad we did because the negativity and struggles may not fall on us the same but trust me when I say we all feel it somehow. Please feel free to share any thoughts or experiences you may have in the comment section below. Have a wonderful and blessed day to all and take a moment to just sit and talk with your loved ones!

Kevin and Son-Family Ideas

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