Craft Activities For Kids-Good Ideas For Families!

So this has been a pretty rough year and a big change for our family and some even though are good it still comes with the bad! Our son has been having a rough time adjusting to a new school and understanding that this is just something you need to do in life and it unfortunately is a part of growing up. He has to get up a lot earlier and rides to school on a much longer trip than before. He now has to adjust to being the youngest grade for his building along with lockers and 8 different classes to attend each day! Mom and Dad have new jobs and sometime have to deal with things we don’t want to do and want to put off for one more day. We try to tell him the more you put off the more it builds up and the stress can and will get overwhelming. He hates so much to ask for help but sometimes you especially as a child should ask for help if they are struggling because that is what family and guardians are here for! We were talking to someone to try to help with his anger and maybe see what we could do to help him since he bottles so much up and won’t share his feelings with us. She suggested doing some craft activities for kids and maybe pick up on another fun thing he enjoys doing. Maybe while he is doing these he will get some of his bottled up feelings out during these activities.


This was an idea we tried because he said he likes to try new recipes and loved when we were doing the weekly meals delivered to our house. This will be his second week and the first week most of been a success because he is already talking about coming home and looking up some ideas for this weeks’ meal night! He made us a kid friendly recipe of chicken enchiladas with almost all homemade items! It was actually a very good dinner and it worked because we learned he liked cooking and for one of the first times he shared so much about his days at school whether they were good or bad.

Model Car!

This was the second new item we tried for the week and I won’t lie I miss doing these from when I was younger! We orderedKids Activities-Kevin and Son a model car kit and all the items he needed right off Amazon. We let him pick out his very own vehicle and told him we have to finish this 0 before we could get another. This idea came with a few “hiccups” due to directions being a little vague and he had to walk away because of being frustrated.

Following Through!

We never want to teach our children it is OK to just “quit” because there is so many hurdles in our lifetime and you need to be ready to push through them! It is OK to walk away and come back to your task and try a different approach because it will be rewarding in the end. His mom and I were told not to force him into completing the task when he gets angry or down on himself because then he will only want to quit even more at that point. Well we hope you enjoy a couple of our ideas and the advice we received from the professional we spoke with and look forward to reading any ideas others may have that are in our families shoes and have a wonderful day!

Kevin and Son-Family Ideas

2 thoughts on “Craft Activities For Kids-Good Ideas For Families!”

  1. I love how you are trying to maintain a positive outlook even though sometimes he wants to shut down and bottle things up. I know where he is coming from because I was that way for so long. Thankfully with the help of family I was able to change my outlook. 

    As a father and now a grandfather sometimes it is tough for us to watch from the sidelines as they struggle, but it is always ok to ask for outside help.

    I love that he has taken a liking to cooking, as I was a chef for 30 years, so I think is a good habit to pick up. I also love model cars I picked up that hobby again one time when I was off work for 4 months due to a shoulder injury, it kept my mind and hands busy.

    Good luck going forward. I wish you all the best.

    • It is so hard to get through to them sometimes, but you don’t want to see them suffer either. We are trying to get him interested in things and hoping he sticks to something. We were told if he can find an outlet in something he loves and gives him a sense of accomplishment it would help tremendously. Do you mind with your 30 years of experience being a chef would you recommend a good site to find recipes for kids around 11 to 13 years old?

      Kevin and Son


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